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Men are really identifying with this guy's struggle to help his fiancée do her fake tan


EVERY WOMAN knows that doing your tan is often a two-person job.

15965825_1421707297841572_3663280051688503425_n Source: Facebook/Matt Edwards

Like many guys, Matt Edwards is sometimes called upon to help apply fake tan to his fiancée’s back. He’s happy to, but there’s one thing that stops him doing it to the best of his ability.

In a post on the tan brand Bondi Sands’ Facebook page, the Perth man described his pain:

I and many other men out there assist our lovely partners in their tanning procedure and this includes applying your tanning foam to places they are unable to reach.
My one and only complaint is that your application mitt is not suitable for my hands. I am what could be assumed as average size, and can only think that this mitt does not fit many other man hands out there.

“Please, in future make the mitt bigger or include an extra mitt for those men out there that must assist the women they love,” he concluded.

Ah. We see what he means.

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As it turns out, he’s not the only one – the post has been shared hundreds of times and several other men came forward with their stories of inhospitable mitts and fake tan hands:

Can not back this concept enough. Mitts are rubbish, I end up spending the next four days with a mud-palm looking like I can’t wipe my ass properly.
Yes I completely agree, my missus’ mitt fell apart after the first time I used it and it was brand new. My hands are huge!

Bondi Sands has yet to respond to Matt’s query, but we’re sure that tan companies worldwide will be taking this feedback on board. #MakeTanManFriendly

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Lidl absolutely burned Hughie Maughan after his fake tan nightmare last night>

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